"Best friends." what classifies a person as your best friend? Hanging out every day? Texting them about the recent gossip and all your boy problems? Going on spontaneous shopping trips to find that perfect outfit? I believe it is someone who is always there for you when you have nowhere else to go, or when you have a messy bun and taco bell sauce on your shirt they are beside you saying "shut up you're hot!" or maybe someone who no matter what would always be supportive and never try to hurt you. Why is hard for so many of us to find "our person" and instead are left with someone we call a best friend who is tearing us down so they feel better, talking behind your back and going out of their way to make you the smallest person you can be.
As of recently I got rid of one of those "best friends" who has been in my life for as long as I can remember. I thought it would be so hard cause of the memories we have shared and laughs but then I realized most of those laughs were directed at me when she would call me pathetic or stupid almost on a daily basis, or when she would say I have no other friends because I wasn't going out that night simply because I wanted to lay on my couch with a big t-shirt and watch cheesy chick flicks, and with that realization, letting go got so easy. There are many ways of letting go of someone not needed in your life, but here are mine.
1.Stop taking their abuse
There are going to be multiple times where you do something and they are going to either judge you or make you feel like complete crap about by emotionally and mentally abusing you. DON'T LET THEM. Stand up for yourself because you're perfect the way you are and you shouldn't have to justify anything you do or who you are to anyone. Keep it old school and tell them if they don’t have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. Which leads to the next way.
2. Distance yourself
Start hanging out with your other friends, find a hobby, anything that will put distance between you both. Distancing yourself won’t just give them a hint that you're done with how they treat you, but also won't allow them to use you as their punching bag anymore. You simply are taking yourself out of the picture and painting a new one with people who don't use and abuse you.
3. Complete detachment
The time will come where they are going to notice you aren't in their life as much and you will get the " I never see you anymore, I miss you!" text. this is when you have to stay strong and tell them that you don't miss them. that life has been better and you're so much happier without them, and trust me,you will be. At this point, its time for you to give them tough love and say exactly how they have made you feel over the years of friendship and how your life is much more peaceful and joyous without their negativity and abuse. It will be as if 100 pounds are taken off your shoulders and you can breathe again because for once, you chose you.
5. Ignore the temper tantrum
After you have closed the book on you're so called best friend and the lack of friendship you actually shared, most likely they are going to throw a temper tantrum. I don't mean like a 5-year-old screaming and yelling because they couldn't eat desert, but they will go out of their way to tweet about you, spread rumors and destroy real friendships you have. It actually is a compliment in my opinion, because if they didn't care they lost you, then they wouldn't still be talking about you. In this situation the best thing you can do is not respond because why would you? They are such a minuscule part of your life that it’s not even worth a response. Automatically just like that, you're free.