We're like Athos, Porthos and Aramis only better (and for this picture, we'll count Brooke's little brother as D'Artagnan).
I could write a book longer than "The Odyssey" (ha, see what I did there) about all of the hard times we have been through, laughs we have shared and why these two will always be my people. Brooke you'll cry, and Elena, well, we all know how well you handle an abundance of emotions and feelings, so I will keep this concise.
Being one of the Three Musketeers has pulled me out of every dark place, given me more laughs, more memories and more joy than I ever thought a person could experience.
Elena, you are the "tell it like it is" person that I can always count on to put life in perspective for me when I get wrapped up in the insignificance of small things. You remind me and inspire me to focus on what I am working for. You are the one that, even though you despise talking on your phone as much as you hate barbecue sauce (which is a whole lot for those of you who do not know her), you will always answer the phone for Brooke and I when we need you to listen to us vent about how hard life can be (or tell us which eyeliner to buy). If you had told me that we were going to be best friends when we met freshmen year of high school, well, I would have laughed at you and then run away because I was scared of you. Now, if we ever go a day without talking or ever come close to breaking our snapchat streak, I will cry a river, and no I will not build a bridge and get over it.
Brookie, you are the one who tries to keep us positive, the one who gives us the most laughs and the one that gives me an actual hug when I need it. While I appreciate Elena's effort of "terrified-of-human-contact-please-get-off-me-hugs," sometimes a real hug just makes life all better. Thank you for handling all of the emotions we throw at you with an open heart and mind. Never once have you judged us or asked us to be anything but our crazy, one-of-a-kind selves, and that means more than you will ever know. I never imagined that you, the girl who joined my freshmen homecoming group, would play such a huge role in my life and hold such a huge place in my heart.
We were practically infants, your Snooki poof was huge, and I was as awkward as ever. Life was good.
I've tried to list just a few of the amazing things that each of you do that hold us together and make each day easier to conquer, and now here is my promise to both of you.
I promise to always send you embarrassing snapchats when you are having a bad day and I won't be mad at you for screenshotting it to use as blackmail later. I promise to give every boy that comes into your life the "If you hurt my best friend, I'll hurt you speech" and mean it. Elena, I promise to always get you two steak queseritos and a Baja Blast freeze from Taco Bell when you've had a bad day. And Brooke, I promise you'll have a McPick 2 from McDonald's with a McDouble and chicken nuggets with hot mustard waiting on the counter for you when you get home just as a reminder of how much I appreciate you taking out the trash since I despise it more than the word "moist." Finally, I promise that no matter the circumstance, the distance or the time of day, I will always love you and always be there for you.
Meredith had Christina but I'm positive that if she ever met you two she'd wish that she was as lucky as I am.