With Big/Little season upon us, I am noticing yet another sad realization that I am growing up. But it isn't just that...
Like most people, I've always had the worst time waking up in the morning. That is why, when I picked up a job this year that requires me to be up by 6:30, I was worried. It's been a struggle getting used to to say the least.
Recently, though, I’ve noticed a change...and it’s a little terrifying. Yes, I still press snooze more times than I should before getting up, but now I have found that I am fully functioning the minute that I get out of my bed. Why does this terrify me?
Well, you see, I’ve seen the warning signs for a while. Every subsequent day, the changes build up more and more until you look back and wonder what exactly happened. Maybe it’s just me finally adjusting to the hours and demands of life as a pre-med student, but now that I’m more than a year in, I am starting to be concerned. That, along with my less than enthusiastic approach to "frosh"ing has me worried that I am beginning to turn into an adult. I thought I had at least a few more years before I’d be transitioning into a semi-functioning adult.
Gone are the days of sleeping in and choosing which classes I want to go to and which ones I want to skip. Now I am up and out of the house by 6:45, homework and studying done, looking at the mirror and accepting the simple fact that I somewhat have my life together for once.
Although this all has me worrying, I am told to fear not. It might not be the same anymore, but at least we still have a couple years left in college to try to continue on with our reckless, intoxicated behavior. We just need to keep reminding ourselves that we're still in the prime of our lives. Keep living it up. You’ve still got it, even if you don’t know it.