Think about every person you see in a day's time. Remember the faces you have seen at work, in class or on the streets.
Every single one of those people have a different skin color, a different name, a different sexuality and a different story. When you take away every possible trait that could make us different and what are you left with? You are left with a simple human being. That is it.
Every person you see has a beating heart and ideas of the world that consume their mind. Someone may not talk, look, or act like you, but that makes them no different than you are. We are all human and we all bleed red.
Why is it that we all forget about these simple things which connect us all? In a world which praises being different, we often forget we are all the same. We are all made from the same cloth, but woven with different stitching.
We all are capable of love and heartache, joy and pain. We are all just souls trying to navigate our way through this world.
Do not get me wrong; the differences between each person is what makes the world go round. Being unique is so important. People's differences make life exciting and unpredictable.
People's differences shouldn’t be something used against us when someone else doesn’t agree. They shouldn’t be used as a weapon or an excuse for hurting or killing others.
Underneath it all, we are all just trying to live the best life possible. Because between every different trait, we are just simply trying to make it.
Remember this the next time you are quick to judge or feel the need to put someone down because they don’t act how you would like them to act. Because their life isn’t yours to live.
Their hearts don’t beat for you. Their lungs don’t breathe for you. Their minds don’t think for you.
All you’ve got is yourself, so live your life for you and no one else. Others will do the same.
So what is the thing we all have in common but often forget? It's simple. We are all human.