You must be thinking, "uh she's crazy" well yes, but I decided that if I tried this out, none of you would have to! I did my own little 'experiment' as to what life would be life if I disregarded my favorite thing on this earth for a whole week! In reality, it really was not all that bad, but I can certainly tell you that I am very happy to have my favorite thing back in my hands once again.
Day 1
To be honest, this was probably the most difficult day, Mondays are my mornings that I have the earliest classes. I had to fight the urge to go with my daily routine and get coffee in the morning. The headache was so bad and I was in a horrible mood just about all day long. I gave in later that day and got myself a DECAF white chocolate mocha. I have never tasted and drank anything more pathetic and pointless.
Day 2
I woke up surprisingly well and got ready for my classes really fast! I had this weird amount of energy all day that I have never really had, and I do not know if it was a lack of coffee in my system or the fact that this term is almost over!
Day 3
I decided to mix things up a little and start getting an iced chai, in which you would have to drink about four of them to actually receive the same amount of caffeine in one cup of coffee. I have always enjoyed chai, but I still don't view them the same as my beloved white mochas.
Day 4
The headaches went away by now and I can function completely normally without my coffee. I started to realize that just because I have been in the habit of getting coffee for so long, does not mean that I NEED to have it.
Day 5
I went my whole morning and afternoon without my coffee once again and noticed that I was actually getting hungry for breakfast now. Which, I never eat breakfast because one, I have classes and honestly do not really have the time to make/buy food, and two, my coffee usually fills me up until it is about time for lunch.
Day 6
This is the day that got really rough. I'll admit, I caved. Here at Grand Canyon University, we had a HUGE basketball game coming up and I decided to spend the previous night camping out for this game and slept for about 3-4 hours. Not only did I get basically no sleep, I am part of the Havocs, which is the student section that gets crazy and pumped up for every game, so I needed all the energy I could get. I bought a double-shot white mocha and drank it with no shame.
Day 7
Even though day 1 was pretty rough with the headache and all, I did not experience it this day and I was slightly shocked since I had basically started the cycle all over again. It was just as easy as the previous days, and I noticed that I was drinking much more water now than I had ever been when coffee was in my daily routine.
In conclusion to all of this, yes I CAN live without coffee. But do I want to? No way. I really do love it, and in some circumstances it does wake you up slightly, but it is always a good idea to take a break sometimes and truly examine whether it is a WANT or a NEED! I found myself eating breakfast more often and drinking much more water, so maybe I need to take a step back sometimes and consider the more important things. Not to mention that I would save $$$!