To those that need an energy boost, take some time time to detox with these health giving practices and recipes!
Apple cider vinegar drink
- Warm a mug full of water.
- Add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
- Honey to taste
I recommend this drink on an empty stomach for detox purposes, though it also helps prevent sickness and provides energy. Apple cider vinegar offers many health benefits, among them being that the drink is full of B vitamins, folic acid, biotin, niacin, vitamin C, and even contains small amounts of magnesium, iron, potassium, and calcium. Similar to apple cider vinegar, honey is rich in B vitamins, magnesium, iron, potassium, and also possesses copper and zinc. Together they form the perfect immunity booster that soothes and rids inflammation, aids digestion, and can help reduce joint pain.
Recommended for you
Lemon honey drink
- Warm a mug full of water
- Squeeze one quarter to half of a lemon into the water
- 1-2 tablespoons of Honey
I drink lemon honey tea every morning on an empty stomach. Immediately I feel relieved with a renewed sense of calm and energy. Lemon honey tea offers these benefits as it cleanses the body of toxins and aids in digestion, giving the immune system an energy boost.
- Fermented tea
Kombucha is a probiotic beverage, naturally fermented with a live colony of bacteria and yeast. Kombucha is known to specifically aid in digestive and gut health but also helps the body to detox by pulling in good bacteria while pushing out harmful toxins.
Coconut oil pulling
- 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic detox remedy used to pull toxins from the body. To do so, swish coconut oil in the mouth for 10-20 minutes, and spit. Oil pulling cleanses oral cavities by literally sucking the toxins out of one’s mouth. The oil pulling remedy has been used in India for centuries and is proven to: cure tooth decay, kill bad breath, whiten teeth, reduce inflammation and boost the immune system.
Yoga, originates from India, and offers many health benefits. Here are a select few of the proven benefits of a yoga practice:
- Offers peace of mind
- Improves posture
- Increases self esteem
- Eases pain
- Improves flexibility
- Strengthens muscles and joints
- Improves focus
- Provides inner strength
- Promotes happiness
- Relaxes one’s system
- Improves balance
- Helps one to sleep deeper
- Aids digestive system in working properly
These few tips for well being may not appeal to everyone, as there are many other ways to entertain a healthy lifestyle. If none of the easy go-to detox methods work for you, consider some of the following as listed:
— Supplements and Vitamins
— Fish oil
— Essential Oils
— Salt Lamp (promotes focus, energy, and purifies the air)
— meditation
— Parasite cleanse (estimated 85-90% of Americans have some sort of parasite or parasitic infection)
— Activated Charcoal
— Organic produce (can reduce pesticide intake)
— Neurological Therapy
— Steaming (saunas)
— Enemas
— Grain free diet
— Lots of veggies!
Wishing all the blessing of health, that you may take the time to tend to your wellbeing!