We have entered high school without even thinking that one day it will all come to an end. We feel sad, remembering that in a few months, those who we walked into high school with will not be there for college. We tend to overlook the fact that this actually just the beginning. This is the beginning of our lives where we can use our higher education as a means to reach success. It's a fleeting sensation to believe that now we are ready to navigate our lives as individuals. With that being said, here is a simple guide to getting our lives started.
1. Relax.
You probably have pulled numerous all-nighters and spent countless hours on class assignments all while participating in extracurricular activities. This summer is a great way to rewind and take a step back from all the school work before heading to college. Go to the beach, or take a trip to an art exhibit with a group of friends.
2. Be adventurous.
Visit countries you’ve never been before or simply explore your city. This is a great way to meet new people, to try fresh cuisines and to learn about others. It may even broaden your awareness and sensitivity of the world. Warm weather is perfect for exploring.
3. Take initiative.
Now is the time to do some experimenting. Spark up an interest and do something for yourself. Volunteer at a nearby hospital, or take a summer job at your community’s rec center. Exposing yourself to different fields might help you determine a potential career path.
4. Build experience.
Once you established your major, get a head start. Find internships that are looking for curious and bright young minds like yourself. Nothing looks better than a resume overflowing with experience.