Let the record show that I feel like an old hag writing this article.
That being said:
Hello and welcome to college! Now that you have gotten through the awkward phase that is high school, you are now ready to begin the rest of your life. It is going to be a blast! There is so much to do at college. You can meet new friends, sleep in, meet cute boys and girls, but most importantly: partaaayyyy. It's all about the college experience. So sit back, relax and enjoy the next four years.
For any concerned parents (or even students) reading this and thinking that I am some sort of bad*** college rebel, trust me ... I'm not. I'm not here to tell you that you can't have fun in college. College is actually a lot of fun. But, college is meant for you, (the student) to prepare for your life in the professional work force. As a senior who has been in the professional work field, I know that what you do in college, will affect what you do, after. Here are a few pieces of advice, if you wish to take them:
1. "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with" -Jim Rohn (American Entrepreneur, Author)
In high school, I had a friend I met during the summer. We hung out every day after work, and when we weren't together physically, we always spoke.For some reason I noticed he would always refer to people as, "crazy." For example, "What are you doing here crazy?" or "Hey crazy." I never understood why he said it, nor did I question it. One afternoon, I was speaking to my friend Elizabeth, who was asking me whether or not she should ask out this guy she liked. My response was "Just do it crazy!" She looked at me with a very disgruntled face and asked "Why are you calling me crazy? You've never said that before." Yeah. Embarrassed. If you hang around people that spend their days sleeping in until 1 p.m. and do nothing all day, don't be surprised if you do the same.
I can't stress how important this is. Getting to know your professors personally is vitally important. Not only does it help you out in the classroom, but don't forget that your professors were (in many case still are) PROFESSIONALS in the work field. Sitting down and talking to them one-on-one not only gives you the chance to find out how they've maneuvered in their profession, but they may help you out in the field as well. I landed my first television internship at an NBC affiliate station because my professor, who I spoke to on many occasions, was a well-known individual at the station which leads me to my next point.
I think this is the most important college advice I can give you. Many students believe they can't get an internship until their junior year in college because that's when you really dive into your professional studies, blah blah blah. That mindset is exactly what separates the driven from the content. Before I even entered my freshman year of college I had the opportunity to intern at a local radio station. A friend of mine who works on "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" said that "you should at least have three internships prior to graduation." Not only does it show experience, but it grants you the opportunity to network with people who work in the field. Employers want to hire someone that is ready to work. Someone who knows what they're doing and don't have to be guided at all times.
Sure, you may end up looking like Sylvester here, but hear me out! This really goes without much explanation. Here, I came up with this really simple equation:
I'm not kidding guys. Involvement on campus can add so much to your resume and your overall college experience. I can't tell you how many times I was soooooo bored in my dorm room because I wasn't nearly involved on campus as I could've been. Again, it gives you a chance to build your connections and meet new people! What more could you ask for?
My last bit of advice is: DON'T FORGET TO ENJOY YOUR EXPERIENCE. It's not a bad thing to go to a party or something. I've been to my share of those. It's important to have fun because, YOLCO (You Only Live College Once). All I am saying is, be wise young Jedi. You don't want these four years to pass by and find that you didn't do jack s*** to prepare yourself for the real world. But I know you won't have a problem. I have faith in you. And with that being said: Welcome to college.