Well, I am back. Took a little hiatus for myself and for my mental health and now we're back in full swing with articles and all. I wanted to start off by saying, Thank the lord football is done with! Now that football is gone it means, the Yankees baseball season is starting up and here are some reasons to be excited.
1. Summer is getting closer.
Longer nights, warmer weather.
2. Some of the hottest players back in their uniforms.
Girls, you understand.
3. Baseball game fashion.
No more boots and leggings, pull out the ripped jeans (or shorts), t-shirts, and jerseys!
4. The stadium Hot Dogs.
Is it bad I only like eating Hot Dogs at Baseball games?
5. Pulling your jersey's out of the closet.
Whether it be an old or new player, the pinstripes look good on EVERYONE.
6. Watching Gatorade be dumped on players again.
7. Seeing Judge and Stanton side by side.
Watch out, everyone.
8. The subway race.
9. The 8th inning stretch.
It's fun to stay at the YMCA.
10. The wave.
11. The Chicken Nugget box.
If you know, you know.
12. The atmosphere after a game that the Yankees win.
Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today!