There have been plenty of articles, posts, and rants about all that has happened since Trump won the election and as much as I hate the cliché of it, here is another. I am not here to voice my political views but rather to voice my disgust over the violent and irrational actions the people of this America have taken upon themselves, thinking they are justified in those actions as this is now “Trump’s America.”
I have read about cases of beatings to the point of hospitalization, teasing and abusing those who are part of the minority, chat rooms discussing bringing back slavery, tormenting minorities/Trump-supporters/Hilary-supporters, and threatening lynchings and deportation. If this is just the start of Trump’s “New” America, I’m terrified to think what will be acceptable. I’m a young, white woman and I’m fearful to go outside. I can’t even say that I could imagine what other minority groups in America are feeling right now, but if I am this scared for my life, what must they feel? Many have spoken out and said again and again that they are terrified; they can’t go outside, they have been abused, threatened, and attacked, and they are just not sure what their future holds.
It’s sad to see our country being laughed at, terrorist groups such as ISIS celebrating this “victory,” and the uprising of hostile negativity in the hearts of Americans. This is 2016 and we should be better than this. Some might think that going back to times such as the 50’s would be best for this country and that anyone who is an “immigrant” should either get the f*** out or serve the old-boy network. But where do you think your parents came from? The people being attacked and bullied were either born here in the United States just like you and therefore, are Americans citizens, or they have earned their place here through proper channels and hard, dedicated work.
I’m truly disgusted and disheartened that as humans we think treating others with no respect is acceptable. If the punishment for your actions was to be treated the same way, I promise you, you wouldn’t do it. We have grown so much since the times of the civil rights movement, women’s movement, gay rights movement, but the actions of late suggest that, as a country, positive progression will be set back decades.
On Trump’s election day he gave his victory speech and below is an excerpt from the New York Times’ Transcript.
“Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division; have to get together. To all Republicans and Democrats and Independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.
It’s time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans, and this is so important to me.
. . . I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.
As I’ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign, but rather an incredible and great movement made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their families.
It’s a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will.”
("Transcript: Donald Trump’s Victory Speech").
How did this message get so twisted in the minds of Americans that somehow this only applied to the white majority? I’m sorry… he said every American, race, color, and religion was accepted and going to be fought for in this America. Where in that message did he say that he wanted you to abuse your fellow Americans because of their color, clothes, and background?
Trump also mentions that we need to come together and be a unified nation, but does this mean that we can only have this if we accept the Republican views and values, or will the people be met in the middle as Trump said he would do for others and address the nation's concerns in order to truly be a president for all America?
“We will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone … We will seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict” ("Transcript: Donald Trump’s Victory Speech").
An issue that is concerning many people, is Trump's lack of transparency as the newest President-Elect of our country. He has appointed people into office with views and agendas that do not reflect all the ideals that he stood for during the campaign. He has also decided to push his values onto the country such as his belief that Global Warming is a hoax and appointing a man to head up the department that also does not believe in climate change. While I respect someone’s opinion, there is a necessity to address the concerns of the people and stand for what they believe in, not only your own personal ideals. I am concerned that as President, he will not protect the people and their interests as he is already showing signs of neglect.
Also, Donald Trump, how can you only say “Stop it” to these horrendous actions taken on by your people to those who are ALSO under your protection? You made a promise to take care of each and every one of the people who make up this America no matter their race, religion, or political views. The people performing these actions say that this is “Trump’s America” so, as our future president, do your damn job, and take care of ALL citizens. Those performing these acts need to be punished and reprimanded for their disgusting behavior.
To all those being indecent and disgusting human beings –
"Transcript: Donald Trump’s Victory Speech." The New York Times. The New York Times, 09 Nov. 2016. Web. 16 Nov. 2016.