Six feet under.
This country is digging itself six feet under.
Founded on liberty and acceptance.
We have bruised the hand that signed our freedom.
Gauged the eyes of those who saw us as "A Great Nation."
And stomped on the flag that waved, ever so fervently, with our pride.
Violence has been triggered in spite of the trigger.
The fire in our eyes, now the fire of an angry generation.
Angry at blue.
Angry at black.
Angry at white.
Aren't they all just colors anyways?
In a race for race.
But, what's the prize?
Satisfaction. Dominance. Beauty.
But, what good results from downfall.
We're falling, deeper and deeper.
We use to stand proud.
Now we sit proud on the tears of the mothers of those who fought proud.
They believed in the power of red, white, and blue.
Now we believe in the power of red.
Because what is cause without bloodshed?
The streets echo.
Echo with the sound of injustice.
Be quiet.
Before your voice becomes one of theirs.
The woman whose skirt left too much room for curiosity.
The man whose jacket hood was pulled too tight to his face.
They were asking for it, weren't they?
Who will save them? Who will save us?
Right wing? Left wing?
We used to soar on the wings of equality.
Now opinions deserve a bullet through the heart.
The heart of a once dignified nation.
That beat with the unification of its people.
Ripped at the core.
We have divided.
"We The People,"
Have become "We The Pieces."
A puzzle undone.
With the fittings to form a masterpiece of variety.
That reads "In God We Trust,"
But someone replaced God with ourselves.