In the Japanese language, anime translates to animation. This goes for all forms of it including animation media. This media typically consists of vivid colors, energetic characters, themes of fate/destiny and so much more.
Social media has created this stigma that anime is for the "quirky, weird kids." Why? It seems any time a fan-base of something enjoys something, there is always a buzzkill out there to ruin their liking to said media. This "trend" of Internet trolls needs to stop.
I started my journey of watching animes long before I even realized it, I guess. Fans of Pokémon know exactly what I mean by that. Although I was a huge fan at the age of six, I would say now is the time I'm diving into the world of anime. The well-known anime, "My Hero Academia," is what got me started. I thank my boyfriend for introducing me to a new culture, a new community of millions who enjoy it just as much.
These shows have such an artistic style to them that is different than anything I've ever seen. They have certain quirks (no pun intended) that American shows do not have. From whitened eyes in moments of frustration to timed blush on cheeks in times of embarrassment to words popping up on the screen to emphasize the message at that point in time.
You can tell the immense amount of artistry, creativity and passion put into animes. Sketching to form the pictures that we later see animated on the screens and the emotional dialogue put into the shows. I give them props for all the hard work that makes shows such as My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, etc. come to life.
So if you are one of those Internet trolls, I suggest giving anime a try. Don't miss out because something someone else likes is too "trendy" for you.
Go beyond, plus ultra!