Dear Freshmen,
Welcome to four (or more) of the most changing years of your life; you’ll love them, you’ll hate them, you’ll never regret them. College is the time to forget about what happened in high school and start on a fresh plate, whether you are going far away to school or sticking close to home, no matter the size.
A lot of things are going to change for you, and it’s up to you on how you are going to ride those waves of change. You’ll have triumphs and you’ll have failures, it happens to everyone, it’s not just you.
One of the hardest things that you will overcome is the feeling of being more independent and not being home. It’s okay to be homesick, it happens to a majority of people. Call your parents/guardian, they will pull you out of the funk.
Make friends, make lots of friends because one day, they might end up helping you along the way. Make friends in and out of classes, you’ll never know what you’ll have in common unless you try.
Do something with your extra time. Don’t sit in your dorm room all day. Join a club, sport, organization, etc. Some of your very best friends will come out of those groups. Do not isolate yourself.
Most importantly, be who you are, strive to be who you want to be, and lose what you don’t like about yourself. College is the time to rebuild who you are as a person, to discover new things within yourself.
Do not let your “highschool-self” depict who you are.
That reputation doesn’t exist when you go to college.
Unfortunately the “Freshman 15” is real. That doesn’t mean starve yourself or put yourself on some crazy diet. The food at school is different than what you are used to, your body will adjust to it in different ways. Take advantage of a free gym, make a schedule, keep your body moving and healthy.
Go out, have fun in your own way, whether it involves partying or not. You may not think this at first, but you will find friends that like to do the same things as you do, you do not have to party to have a good night.
If you do party, then just be aware of your surroundings, be aware of what you are putting into your body. Know your limits. Help your friends, if they’re sick, do not laugh at them, get them somewhere safe and make sure they are okay. One day they might end up doing the same for you.
These will be some of the most impactful years of your life, embrace them, they will fly by.
Someone who loved freshman year a little too much