Most people hate the dentist; I don't. I actually don't mind it at all, except for the needles. I could probably even fall asleep if my dentist didn't talk so dang much.
Sometimes I put my earbuds in and listen to music to pass the time. Sometimes I actively follow the lively conversation between the dentist and hygienist. Sometimes I tune them out and stare at the light above the chair. And sometimes, I jot down the random thoughts or questions that pops into my mind.
1. My dentist talks too much
Seriously. I really feel like maybe he should spend a little more time looking into my mouth and maybe a little less time yukking it up with the hygienist. I get a little worried that he might mess something up because he's not looking.
2. OMG My Hygienist Farted
What do I do??? So awkward. Help. SOS. It's so near my face. Help. Do I pretend I didn't notice? She sure pretended that she didn't break wind right by my head.
3. Is It Possible For My Jaw To Break?
Has anyone's jaw ever broken while getting their wisdom teeth removed? Because I really feel like this yanking is pretty intense. Can I get whiplash from all the pulling?
4. Why Are They Talking To Me?
I will never understand why the dentist insists on talking to me while my mouth is wedged open. And the crazy thing is, he actually expects a reply! He and the hygienist ask real questions, not hypothetical or conversational ones. Real questions that you have to mumble a drooley reply to. It's insane, and if there weren't sharp tools in my mouth, I'd shake my head and sigh at them.
These are just a couple of the thoughts I have at the dentist; what kind of thoughts do you have? How do you pass the time in that chair?