So recently I talked about weird roommate things.This included how it will be strange to live with somebody you have never really met and know next to nothing about. It is included how my roommate claims to be a cannibal and talks about cannibalism quite frequently. Now I want to talk about some other weird roommate things which aren't quite the same.
Currently, I am sitting downstairs in the basement of my summer dorm while my roommate takes on a more than a little strange of a task. She decided she was going to make her own hummus, but this process includes about 3 hours of preparing the chickpeas before finding mushing them and combining them with the other ingredients.
Not everybody will have the opportunity to have the experiences I have had with my roommates, although, I wish they would. Now I want to talk about some of the more interesting experiences I have had with my roommates which didn't fit what I talked about previously.
One of the experiences I remember from before I knew my roommate very well from this past school year was when we went down to the kitchen to cook scrambled eggs for lunch one day. It was only a few weeks into the school year, but we had cheese and some eggs which would go bad soon if we did not eat them, so we decided to make scrambled eggs. It is a simple experience and I can't pinpoint any reason it stands out to me, but for some reason, it does and seems to be a memory I will keep from my first year of college.
I also got to go on the astronomy walk with my roommate and one of our friends during the school year. For those of you who don't know,
Then there are the random memories I have made with my summer roommate already. We both decided not to get the summer meal plan, so we have to make all of our own food. As a result, we have made a lot of random things included corn and crab quesadillas and stuffed baked potatoes. It also has led to my roommate making hummus at a ridiculous hour of the night in order to have for lunch for the rest of the week.
We also have formed memories by sitting in the hallway and getting to have different experiences that way from people in our dorm thinking we are insane to just
So, if you are able to and have a roommate that you get along with, I would recommend doing crazy things with them. You will have a wonderful time and it will make some crazy memories that you can look back on when you are done with college.
Also, here is a link to the online information about the planet walk: