As much as we all couldn't wait to be home - once we're there for more than a week, it starts to feel a little strange.
Now now, before I start this article I would like to say a few things. For one, the feeling of my own bed never gets old, and two, my mom's home cooked meals are something I would never want to leave. With that being said however, after getting used to being independent at school, being at home for a while tends to get old.
To start off, naps are not nearly as acceptable at home as they are at school. While the occasional afternoon nap may be tolerable by most parents, no guardians are really thrilled with the sleep till noon then nap at 4 p.m lifestyle (I'm guilty of this - sorry ma!)
Next, after a short few days, everything isn't as exciting as it was once - and home tends to get, dare I say, boring? You visit your favorite restaurants that you miss oh so much, see your family and friends, and then what? Exactly.
Additionally, that look of "it's 11 p.m why are you getting ready and not in your pajamas" is something you should probably get used to. While your parents will probably let you do your own thing as long as you make it back alive at some point, those looks have definitely become almost a daily ritual these past weeks.
Another thing that I could not help but mention is the seemingly million more texts that you will be receiving from your parents. Because, since you're on your break, you should do all the errands for them, right? Well whether you like it or not I'm sure many can painfully relate.
Next on the list of "weird realities of being home" comes that awkward time when you start seeing people from high school in public and you start over questioning and over thinking whether or not you should say hi. When the anxiety filled 30-second-decision is done you either walk away with a smile and a hello or nothing, and I can promise you that neither are life changing.
While being home is great (don't get me wrong, I LOVE it!), deep down, we are all ready to go back. So thanks Rider - for my month plus break that at the time seemed amazing but now seems like I'm watching paint dry.