4. February 24 — Tortilla Chip Day | The Odyssey Online
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24 Unusual Holidays You Should Start Celebrating TODAY

Themed parties everyday!

new holidays to celebrate

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There are so many holidays that have been created over time. Many I have never heard of until I went looking for a reason to take a day off and celebrate something. I was not disappointed and now plan to start celebrating these days every year.

1. January 2 — Buffet Day

Throw out that New Year's resolution for just one more day and celebrate Buffet Day by going to your favorite buffet place.

2. January 27 — Chocolate Cake Day

Have you ever wanted an excuse to just by a chocolate cake and not feel guilty about it? Well, January 27th is your day to celebrate your love of chocolate cakes!

3. February 8 — Laugh and Get Rich Day

Alright, so by getting rich, it means enriching your life more. Take this day to go to a comedy club or plan a fun day with a group of friends. Just spend the day laughing and really enjoying your life.

4. February 24 — Tortilla Chip Day

I don't know about you, but chips and queso is absolute life. Now I can have a whole day to celebrate all the dips you can pair with tortilla chips and thank them for existing.

5. March 10 — Mario Day

Take this day, gather some friends and play some Mario games in a Mario themed party! I would recommend Mario Party or Mario Cart, but we all know how that ends. Maybe watch one of the Mario TV shows that came out in the 90s.

6. March 26 — Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

Have food you want to celebrate? Trying to find a way to talk your way of leaving the house? Have no fear, March 26th is here! It can be anything you want. The sky is the limit.

7. April 12 — Grilled Cheese Day

Okay, maybe I just love food, but who does not like a nice grilled cheese? Take this day to throw a grilled cheese party with friends and have a competition on who can make the best grilled cheese.

8. April 25 — DNA Day

This day is not as boring as you think! Of course, you can take time to learn more about the DNA and all of its processes. But you can also take one of those home DNA tests! Or even do a DNA test for your dog/cat!

9. May 4 — Free Comic Book Day

So, this is probably the more well known holiday on this list. However, your local comic book store is probably celebrating and having fun events throughout the day! What better way to support a local business, and pick up a good comic along the way.

10. May 29 — Put A Pillow In Your Fridge Day

Okay, hear me out. Apparently putting a pillow in the fridge on this day will bring you good luck. Worse come to worse, you at least don't have to worry about flipping your pillow for the cold side.

11. June 1 — Say Something Nice Day

Use this day to compliment people, and be a generally nice person. It not only makes you feel good, but it makes the other person feel good as well.

12. June 21 — Take Your Dog To Work Day*

I just want to pet all of the dogs, I don't have any real reason for this.

*Please be responsible and don't take them to work if they can cause health hazards.

13. July 3 — Compliment Your Mirror Day

Take the time to really love yourself. Remind yourself in the mirror that you are beautiful, smart, important, and you are doing your absolute best in life.

14. July 27 — Take Your Pants For A Walk Day

Take this day to go on a hike with a group of friends and just really enjoy being outside in your pants.

15. August 15 — Thrift Shop Day

Use this day to go to a thrift store and find an awesome bargain! Or maybe even take some old items of yours and take them to a thrift store.

16. August 25 — Kiss and Make Up Day

I think this holiday is really important. It is a day to let go of grudges and make up with people or tie up loose ends.

17. September 4 — Eat An Extra Dessert Day

Need I say more?

18. September 21 — National Clean Up Day

This is actually a nationally recognized holiday! Go out with a group of people and pick up trash at a local park or at the beach. We need to take better care of our Earth.

19. October 7 — Frappe Day

Now you have an excuse that you have to get a frappe!

20. October 28 — International Animation Day

On this day, celebrate the amazing world that animators have created! Get with a group of people and watch animated movies or support some animators online.

21. November 12 — Happy Hour Day*

Go out and take advantage of some happy hour drinks!

*Drink responsibly

22. November 24 — Celebrate Your Unique Talent

Throw your own America's Got Talent Party and see which one of your friends has the best talent!

23. December 7 — Letter Writing Day

Something about hand written letters is really nice. Take this day to write some of your loved ones a hand written letter.

24. December 27 — No Interruptions Day

The holidays are always rough. Take a day for yourself and regroup. Turn off your phones and everything that goes ding. Trying working on something that you have been meaning to work on for awhile.

There are so many made-up holidays that are worth celebrating! There is at least once per day. So if you are ever in a celebratory mood, make sure to look up a holiday you could celebrate.

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