Last summer, I had decided to begin a weight loss journey and had little to no idea where to start.
The most important thing that I have come to realize is that you have to see this as a lifestyle change and not just a diet that can end or fail. If you don't, it is likely that the weight will come back on. You will also feel less pressure if you eat a burger once in a while since you haven't failed a diet and you can always go twice as hard the next day.
Moreover, weight loss is essentially just math. Calories in versus calories out if you put it in simple terms. If you want to lose the weight, you must be eating in a way that your net gain of calories at the end of the day is negative. However, calories are not everything. It is better to eat healthy food with more calories than a low-cal pack of chips. Calorie counting can also become a bit unhealthy if not well controlled, so I recommend just eating well and controlling portions instead.
Exercise is also vital to a healthier life. Although cardio is known for its quick results, weights are also essential. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Therefore, people with more muscle mass are able to burn what they eat quicker resulting in a greater calorie deficit. It is also just beneficial in life to be physically strong!
The People You Love
Your weight loss can also affect your partner, family members, and friends. Many people eat to deal with the conflicts in their relationships or life situations they had to handle. But once they don't eat for that reason, they're ready to concur the conflict.
The comeback is greater than the setback.
When someone feels threatened, "It's the darker side of human nature to try and level the playing field," Now she distances herself from people who aren't positive and supportive.
It's OK to move on from people who hold you back or bring you more hurt than happiness, especially after you've tried to work it out.
What if your new lifestyle causes some tension? Its okay. At the end of the day you need to do whats best for YOU.
Enjoy Your New Body
Fill your life with the things you couldn't do before. Maybe that's traveling, wearing bikini, volunteering at a community garden, learning how to scuba dive, or shopping for a new wardrobe.
Ask yourself what you've been putting off. Then go for it! "I threw myself into hiking and getting out," That's my new project: continuing to love life -- and loving myself."My last tip is to eat what makes you personally feel good. Everyone has a different body and what I eat may actually hinder your weight loss. It may take time to find what your body can handle and needs, but do not quit. Good luck and happy eating.