College kids and dieting are the funniest things I have ever seen. Some kids only eat salads and fruit a which is the worst idea possible. Your body needs a consistent intake of protein if this diet is going to work!
As a college student you have many different ways you can lose weight. The one that I use is portion control. Portion control is just the way it sounds, you can still eat fun foods like subs and whatever, but you need to limit those foods. If your family gets pizza only have one maybe two pieces, do not go off and have three or four. Cutting down the sizes from what you were eating originally immediately cuts back calorie intake and if you can manage to stay hydrated and eat the good foods along with this plan you will lose plenty enough to stay happy! I am using this way and I have lost 23 pounds in one month. Now that I am starting to get smaller, I need to start adding in more exercise because all the weight from just the foods are gone.
The second strategy you can use is eat seven meals a day. This is one that a lot of athletes use because you continuously fuel your body. But on this one you need to lean towards the healthier side of eating. You have to eat very small and keep hydrated. Breakfast you might have egg whites with a fruit, then 10:30 you have more fruit and some water, Lunch something small with water, depending on the time you eat lunch you snack once or twice again before dinner. You need to have breakfast in both ideas because that is what wakes up your metabolism and gets it going in the morning. I personally use GNC metabolism and energy pills every time I wake up it significantly improves it if you do it on a daily basis.
These are all just ideas no one has to do any of them. I know I am not the most in shape kid but, I do know how to lose the weight. I have done many diets and all have turned out well. I like the first one because I have more freedom on food selection but, if I choose to use it I need to step up my physical activity level which is one something i know I need to do anyway. Dieting is easy as long as you have fun with it and keep thinking about the end result. Do not get down on yourself or freak out if you do not see results right away. That is okay it takes time to lose the weight! But what you do need to do is have support from friends and family. My entire family have been great supporters and that is why it makes it so easy for me. Just be happy with yourself and think of it as you can only improve.