Before coming to college, every student worries about gaining the scary "Freshman 15" that they've heard so much about. They get told to watch what they eat and exercise as much as they can. You can do that if you choose to but putting on an extra few pounds during college is totally normal.
College is a brand new beginning, meaning we won't be doing a lot of the things we did for most of our lives. For me, I left all physical extracurricular activities in high school. Back then, I used to eat whatever I wanted and not gain a single pound. The change in my exercise routine caused my metabolism to slow down and not have that ability anymore. People go from being physically active every day or having some type of active lifestyle to just walking from class to class as their daily source of exercise. Routines change in a new beginning, and change can be scary.
If you're worried about these extra pounds, just watch what you eat. University meal plans are the worst enemy when it comes to losing weight, but just try to take the healthier option. Instead of the normal Chick-fil-a everyday, try getting some soup or salad from another restaurant. You also don't have to exercise all the time, but exercise regularly to feel better about yourself and keep yourself somewhat active.
So when you're in class scrolling through Instagram and see girls with the "perfect figure," don't get upset about it. College is a stressful time for everyone and most people don't have time to keep up with the Instagram body. Everyone is beautiful in their own body, no matter the shape or size.
So if you want to eat that Taco Bell, go for it. Don't make yourself sick over the thought of not looking like other girls. Everyone is beautiful.