College, a time for new experiences and new surroundings that are so exciting and full of adventure. You are having a great time at college and you notice that your favorite pair of jeans are a little tighter than what they were a month or two ago. You look in the mirror and notice that there are a couple extra pounds added to your stomach since the last time you checked. You were so consumed with the allure and mystery of college life that you completely forgot to eat healthy or go to the gym.
On a personal note I have also noticed that since I began college I have gained quite a bit of weight. I hopped on the scale one day and noticed I weighed quite a bit more than what I did before I arrived on my college campus. Looking in the mirror I did not like what I saw. I currently am going through the process of getting to a goal weight that will make me happy and will make me feel more confident walking on campus.
So the real question is does the freshman fifteen truly exist? In my case, absolutely! In some of my sorority sisters have also mentioned that they have gained a substantial amount of weight since stepping onto campus despite the fact that there is a beautiful gym right on campus. The thing is what is causing freshman to gain this extra baggage? Is it the food? Is it the amount of coursework? Maybe it is purely just lack of motivation to hit the gym. Researchers at Auburn University in Alabama followed 131 students over four years of college and found that a whopping 70% of them packed on pounds by graduation (an average of 12, and up to 37 pounds). The overall percentage of students found to be overweight increased from 18% to 31%. The researchers noted gains in body fat composition and waist circumference as well. Taking this statistic from Health News webpage into account maybe it is time for us college students to take a step back and look into the unhealthy habits that we are setting motion that could be carried with us throughout our adult lives.
My point is if you do not like the way that you look all there is to do is change yourself. I personally was not enjoying the figure that greeted me whenever I looked into the mirror, so I have put myself on a track to lose the weight that I have gained and of course have a healthier lifestyle that I can carry with me throughout my adult life. Everyone deserves happiness, so if you personally are not happy, make a change you might be happy that you did!