The weeks leading up to Spring Break are arguably some of the worst in the whole year. Especially when all your friends are on spring break and you're stuck at school. Here is Michael Scott explaining just a few of these feelings better than we ever could.
1. When you have three essays due tomorrow and another two due next week:
What will my essay be about? Good question. Where's the essay going? That's an even better question.
2. When you remember you're paying $45,000 a year just to skip class three times a week.
We've all been there. It's too cold to go to class, or class is too early, or it's a Friday. Whatever the excuse is, nothing is worse than remembering how much that individual class cost.
3. When ALL of your friends are partying it up on spring break while you're studying for the 15 exams you have next week:
Yes, I totally just LOVE seeing your Snapchats from Mexico while I'm freezing in the U.S. studying for my exams. Send me more pics please!!
4. When you remember how much longer it is until your break
How many more days until break? How many exams do I have before then?
5. Basically what not going to class for one day before spring break feels like:
Oh, we had an exam and 4 projects assigned during class today? Great!
6. Trying to cram in all your office hours like:
Please teach me everything we've been learning for 6 weeks in about 15 minutes.
7. "How are your classes going?"
Don't even ask man.
8. "Your exam will be on everything since the first day of classes"
Was I paying attention on the first day? No. Have I been paying attention any day since then? Also no.
9. Every day for the last week leading up to spring break:
It's a miracle if I make it to class in anything other than my pajamas at this point.