Weekends are a magical time, in which anything can happen—and “anything” usually does end up happening. One minute you’re sleeping on a blissful morning till noon, and the next you’re vaulting out of bed because “Holy cats, it’s noon and I still have so much homework,” but then that night you’re happily watching a movie with your roomies, settling down for the night, and then suddenly someone’s dragging you on a midnight hunt for Pokémon—and I think you get the picture.
My weekend was filled with lots of good things—and weird things, and awkward things, and some plain frustrating things. But rather than try to explain in words, I think it’s better if I show you.
So I had a paper due Friday, that I hadn’t started… well, Thursday night, naturally. So this is actually footage of me an hour before the deadline Friday afternoon.
I managed to finish it and handed it in just in time, which is literally the best feeling in the world.
Saturday was a good day to get work done—especially since my art professor had assigned a massive drawing project, which felt like:
Ouch. At first, I was feeling really productive, really creative.
But then towards the end I really just wanted to get it done.
And I still haven’t finished. Because I started reading fanfiction—a little too much fanfiction, with a little too much… heat.
Yeah. And then, instead of returning to work like a responsible student, I watched Les Miserables, which made me feel like:
But also made me run around the apartment like this for the rest of the day:
And then my director emailed me, wanting to meet with me Monday morning, which led me to ponder what he wanted with me that he couldn’t just tell me through email.
And then I realized how painful waiting was as it was only Saturday and I had this question to nag at me for two whole days.
Oh, and my roommate’s boyfriend had come to visit, so they were all cuddly.
And I was left alone.
But just kidding, because they’re really sweet and my roommate deserves all the happiness. But then I began to worry about my director’s email again.
I didn’t have long for my thoughts, however, because we had company over. Hooray?
Which led to a game of Cards Against Humanity, which always leads to fun conversation such as:
Sunday was a day for French homework.
And more tragic waiting till Monday’s appointment.
And a cute girl texted me compliments? I just, what? I was blown away?
And I actually worked out, which is frankly astounding. I felt… pretty good? No. No, I didn’t, I felt dead.
But it doesn’t matter because, really, I have a bed to fall into at the end of the day, and that makes it all worth it.
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