We all know that college life has its up and downs. The characters of "Inside Out" are the best "emotions" to act out a week in the life of college student.
Waking up on Monday is the saddest thing because that means the weekend is over. Dragging yourself out of bed becomes a daily struggle, and you must leave the comfort of your bed to go to class. We drag ourselves from class to class with little to no motivation—this love/hate relationship has become a sad one. We want the weekend back or to be asleep in our comfy beds with no obligations in our way.
We all have a little anger burning inside of us from studying, grades, teachers and even some friends. This anger is building up and waiting to erupt like a volcano and wiping out whoever is on the receiving end of this eruption. Stress gets the best of us and letting off a little steam feels great.
Stressing or fearing exams is another love/hate relationship that developed throughout your years of college. Exams and finals are the two big things that students fear because it is the irrational fear of failure that scares us. We all want to leave after graduation and become successful in the field of study that we majored in while at college. The fear eats us away because success is what we strive for from day to day and don't want to end up dropping out of college because of our fears and stress.
College students love to eat, but the food on campus is usually not the best. The food could be so much better, but we all feel too disgusted sometimes to eat on campus. We would rather go out to eat for every meal or cook than eat the crap coming from campus. Pizza is our saving grace in times of need in case the food is crappy. The food isn't always crappy, but it could be a little better and better taken care of. We are paying a lot of money to come to college, so impress us with some delicious food.
Bing Bong:
When not studying, we take our goofy selves and go out on adventures.We come to college to study, but we also make friends along the way that we share parts of ourselves with. Bing Bong is that wacky friend that will bring a smile to your face in the darkest of times that you face on a weekly basis. These friends are friends for life—cherish them before they disappear out of thin air.
We are all joy when things go our way, whether it be getting a good grade back on an exam or it's the start of the weekend. We usually have happy and joyous moments throughout our week that bring the littlest amount needed in our life in that certain point in time. Weeks in college are more joy filled. Cherish the time you have left—before you know it, it will all be over and your new journey will begin.