I’m Horace to be honest (with that one star lol)
While looking through my google drive today I came across this blog/online dairy I made back in high school during AP research not that long ago. Apparently I really didn't want to be in AP Research anymore and write a 4,000 to 5,000 word essay about the Tenth Amendment anymore though. I had a good chuckle reading it and then had the terrible realization that I am an awful student. Enjoy the fruits of my boredom. Here is a week of with in that blog/dairy of me in high school.
On the other note: I was a really bad student in high school, not grade wise, but in a social way. I have lost it a couple of times and I have caused an uproar and multiple tensions between my teachers and I…
Like what is happening?
I had a slight problem between my yearbook teacher and I…. Apparently senior quotes (my pages) we supposed to be due three weeks ago, but I wanted to accommodate for my class and give them a chance to give me late quotes… My yearbook teacher hasn’t been taking it well so he said just leave it they way it is and publish it as soon as possible so the yearbook can come out on time… He later took some extra sheets I had and instead of adding pictures of student he added pictures of colleges without really asking me. I’m not really mad or not really care, but there was tension about it….
I am bad at life and at life I mean Calculus. I had a quiz TUESDAY and ON THE CALENDAR I THOUGHT IT SAID THURSDAY…
I THOUGHT TUESDAY WAS THURSDAY. Oh boy. It wasn’t like I got to school and I found out and crammed. I GOT TO CLASS AND THEN FOUND OUT (like later in the day)… I had about barley 30 minutes to cram everything I know… When I got the quiz it wasn’t that bad but there was a question about a DEAD BODY. A DEAD BODY. HOW AND WHAT AND WHY?!?!??!??! I think I got it wrong… However I think I passed.
UPDATE: I barley failed… I mean I failed but it wasn’t like a 40 (yes, I have gotten 40’s on quizzes before) but I got a 65… It won’t be my dropped quiz (the teacher drops/doesn’t count one quiz per cycles aka our lowest quiz grade but I got a 59 on the last quiz and even with the dropped quiz.. It won’t change my average THAT MUCH.. I'm still passing and gonna graduate #senioritis.
I TALKED BACK TO ONE OF MY FAVORITE TEACHER AND SHE DID NOT LIKE IT. I’M SO SORRY IF YOUR READING THIS DR. B. I LOVE YOU. But this is what happened in gifs… I was telling her something and she was trying to hurry me to get to the point and said “What is it?!!”and I was like:
The whole class was like this….
She was like this:
Then she walked away and sat down… I came to realize what had happened…
I did the class work and when I went to turn it in I apologized…
And I think she forgave me….
but now I’m scared to talk and ask her questions like I used to in that class..
I literally zoned out in all my classes today and I still have a bio test tomorrow and a free response quiz (where spelling matters) in Anatomy and Physiology… My 5,000 word essay for AP research is due in less than two weeks…. RIP
It’s only Thursday. God give me mercy and help me though this week.
I am not a star student I don’t think I will be this Senior year of high school…."