At almost every school spring break is approaching, and for most of us it is approaching very, very slowly. As we wait to finally be freed from homework, tests, and class for a week, our plane tickets seem to be collecting dust, while all our work is piling up. You can almost taste the freedom and smell the ocean, but it is just too far away. While, most of us can probably say this feeling started the first week of school, it is intensifying with every week since. The countdown is on and here at Baylor we are only one week away. But this week, this week in between is by far the worst week we will experience. Here are some of the reasons why?
1. The week before spring break is full of midterms.
Every single one of my classes is giving some sort of test right before I leave for spring break. Most of those tests are midterm. I have four midterms and two essays this week. To say that is stressful is understatement, especially when I do not want to be here at all. I love Baylor, but I am ready for my break. These tests become even more stressful when you realize that the test is only one of two tests, for the whole semester. So I guess it’s time to get our heads out of the sand, and into the books, because these tests are fifty percent of your final test grade.
2. The week before spring break is decent weather.
I do not know about other states, but here in Texas the weather has been an odd mixture of cold and hot. Leave it to the week before spring break for the weather to become decent. The sunshine is calling at the same time that the books are. I am sure students in colder places are ready for spring break for the opposite reason, they want to get out of the cold and onto a beach.
3. The week before spring break goes on forever.
This week seems like it will never end. It is hard to tell if your schedule is full of more things to do, or if it just feels that way because you are ready to leave. Either way, this week feels like it will never end. School, work, and any extracurricular activities are trying to cram stuff in, the week before you go. It makes the week for twice as long, and it makes break feel like its getting further and further away.
4. The week before spring break everyone is talking about their plans for spring break.
In any and every class you go to, I can almost guarantee that someone will ask you about your plans for spring break. While it is fun to imagine how much fun it will be, it just makes it harder and harder to continue. All anyone wants to do is leave, and when says asks where you are going, you are reminded of the fact that you are not there yet.
In conclusion, this will not be a fun week. Just power through and have a great spring break.