Hello, March! March is the wonderful month that students around the country get to have a week off from school. This week starts the countdown to Spring Break for Radford University and many other schools, so I thought it'd be fun to kick off the countdown with an article, and the help of the "Friends" cast.
When you realize this Monday's the last Monday before Spring Break.
But then you look at your calendar and you have two tests, two papers and a speech all due by the end of the week.
You get an email from one of your professors saying they pushed your test back until the day you get back from break.
When your roommate sees you're stressed and asks if you're okay:
By the time Wednesday comes, you've just given up and gotten drunk with your friends.
When you see your friends leaving earlier than Friday.
Thursday rolls around and you start to realize that you get to go home/on vacation in less than 24 hours:
But when it's time to start packing you don't know where to start.
And when it's finally Friday and you're so happy you get to leave you don't know how to act.
Happy Spring Break!