The week before spring break is pretty brutal. You are so close; but in reality you've never been further from something. Whether you have a mountain of work or simply need to attend your classes, it's a struggle. So good luck to everyone, I know you can do it- just take it day by day. If Leo can do it, you can too.
You spend the day in lazy denial, wishing and wishing that it was the end of the week and you were headed to the airport. Yes, you do have six midterms this week (hard to believe because you are only in five classes) but you choose to ignore that fact because you just want to leave.
A day of horror. You have already mentally checked out so when you finish your first exam and realize that you most likely received a 38% because you forgot to study a chapter and a half, you only sorta care. Let's go spend 17 more hours in the library so you don't miss it too much next week.
Probably the worst day. There is nothing exciting about a Tuesday. You aren't close enough to the beginning of the week to put off your responsibilities, and you are too far from the end of the week to think about the warm beach you'll be lying on soon. Plus, Tuesdays mean an hour-and-fifteen minute classes and it is honestly rude to ask someone to sit through that this close to break.
You wake up and honestly pat yourself on the back for making it to the middle of the week. If you're being honest, you thought you might give up before you reached this milestone, so for a few hours you actually have some motivation. Fear not though, it fades quickly when your Lit professor chooses the one essay question you decided not to prepare for.
You can literally taste it and it's amazing. I have faith that you put at least half effort into this week and you know you can make it one more day. Honestly, why put off the inevitable? You crack open a bottle of wine to celebrate the majestic student that you are.
You freaking made it! Enjoy your week of fruity drinks and sunshine, unless you're me and will be enjoying a week of guilt-free Netflix and home-cooked meals.