Oh, finals week: it's a terrifying thing for everyone. Everyone around you is basically running off of espresso shots and adrenaline as more work starts to pile up. But, in my opinion, the week leading up to it is even worse.
You have to leave Thanksgiving break behind
Eating food and spending time with your family was absolutely amazing, but it went by way too fast. You got a taste of relaxing at home, and then you are snapped back into the reality of being a college student.
Studying is the absolute worst
OK, but who actually likes studying? It's hard, and you get easily distracted by everyone and everything. The biggest thing to save my life leading up to finals week: study guides.
Emotions are running very high
The week leading up to finals consists of a LOT of frustration and tears. A lot of people are sick and tired of college life, and a break at home sounds like a wonderful thing.
You have a TON of assignments due
Around this time of the year, professors try to make sure to fit every little thing in. Essays, notes, and extra credit assignments are piling up and cause even more stress in this chaotic week.
You'll be drinking more coffee than water
I basically lived in a Starbucks during the week leading up to finals because I was too distracted anywhere else. Sixty-five percent of my finals week diet consisted of coffee.
Your sleep schedule is in for a rollercoaster ride
I usually spent my late nights either being as productive as possible or getting distracted by my friends.
All you really want for Christmas is to pass your finals
Everyone around you is getting in the Christmas spirit, but you are too busy studying and doing assignments to enjoy it. All you really want to do is listen to some Christmas music while sitting in front of a fire and drinking hot cocoa.
While finals are hard on every college student, you just have to get through that one week. Then it's all over, and you can enjoy your holiday break!