It's that time of the year again. Finals are right around the corner.
With finals comes the dreaded week before where you have to go to class even though it's pointless because you don't actually go over anything important. On top of this, you're supposed to start studying, but it never goes how you want it to. Instead, it looks something like this:
You realize you haven't done a single thing all semester...
But you tell yourself that everything is going to be okay.
Until you realize the amount of stuff you actually have to get done.
Thankfully, the professor says that the final is not cumulative...
But you still don't understand a single thing because you've been mentally checked-out for the past month.
You're feeling confident after the first all-nighter...
But things aren't looking as hot the second night around...
Yet you still prioritize going to the last party before you actually have to buckle down.
Since it's Christmas time, everyone is drinking Peppermint Schnapps when you get there...
And you obviously join in on the festivities.
Although you might not feel as great the next day...
But you had a good time, so what the heck?
Until it dawns on you that finals week is probably going to go a little bit like this...
Still, you stay positive and hope for the best!