It's the most dreadful time of the year. With teachers still cramming, and students now stressing. Oh no my dear. It's the most dreadful time of the year! This is what is known as dead week but we all know that its not dead week because there are not any assignments to work on and we as students should just be studying and getting ready for finals, oh no its called dead week because as students we are dead from all the assignments and tests we have due the week before finals and meanwhile we are still trying to prepare for finals.
Why in the world would teachers still give us assignments to work on and give us a comprehensive final exam? it doesn't make sense and we are all tired and just want to go home already. It just adds more work for them to get done and I don't see how they would enjoy that. The few hours of sleep that we get is just from doing all the assignments for all the classes because it can never be just for one class. Then we feel even more stressed because now that the week is over and are just now getting started on studying for finals, but now we also have to pack to get ready to leave for Christmas break. The madness going on and the amounts of coffee that are consumed to keep us awake is ridiculous, but there is one thing that we need to make sure to rely on is that God will be there for us during this time of stress and anxiety.
Having the feeling of all that pressure on yourself to get all of the work done is exhausting and can overcome you to cause you to be more stressed than what you need to be. So for sure take care of your self, do not lose hope now because you can make it, and pray that God will provide you with peace and rest because those are the two most important things that are needed in this most dreadful time of the year, but once you get it all accomplished then it will be a time to celebrate and thank God for keeping you rested and not stressed out.