It’s that point in the semester, everyone. The end is within reach, but there’s still quite a few assignments standing in your way until you can dream about the yummy food you'll be eating just days from now. Hang in there, though, because break is just days within your grasp, and everyone knows the week before break is actually the worst.
1. When you think you have a ton of time to get your work done, but the deadlines are approaching faster than you think.
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2. And then you realize all the stuff you actually have to get done.
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3. And you know you have a ton of stuff to do, but you’re already in break mode, and you avoid doing it for as long as possible.
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4. Then, as if you didn’t already have enough to do, professors give you even more to do.
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5. And you realize how much you actually have left to do because you’ve procrastinated and saved everything until the last minute, as usual.
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6. And then naturally, you procrastinate even more.
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7. So you stay up all night to get your stuff done and begin to go a little crazy.
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8. Then you debate whether you should actually finish it all or just quit school altogether.
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9. But then you realize that you’re a champion and can handle anything that’s thrown at you.
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10. So you get it done (barely).
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11. And can finally start your week of relaxation.
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