It’s no surprise that every college student looks forward to Fridays and Saturdays of each week. No one likes Sundays and Mondays because the weekend is over and it takes so long to become Friday again. Tuesdays are better than Mondays to some students depending on their workload and class schedule. Thursdays can either be great days depending on whether or not you have class on Fridays or if you decide to head out in Downtown Richmond for a night at the clubs. But then there is the outlier, Wednesdays – students don’t know whether or not to like these days since the weekend seems so close, yet so far away.
For students at the University of Richmond, Wednesdays are the best day of the week. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors look forward to this day because it’s the last “school day” before Thursday nights downtown. But seniors rave about this day for many reasons (some similar to the underclassmen). Below is a list of all the reasons Wednesdays are the best day of the week:
1. CELLAR WEDNESDAYS – the day of the week when the seniors take over the on-campus restaurant for rounds of beer, wine and good company. Tip for underclassmen: do not go to the Cellar on Wednesdays if you’re in a rush to eat your dinner – you’ll be waiting a while behind all of the tables that possess hungry and happy seniors. Tip for seniors: DON’T forget your ID and Spider Card!
2. Kicks off the weekend – many people begin traditions of doing certain fun activities on Wednesdays to begin the weekend. Thursday night is usually considered “the weekend”, which means you prepare on Wednesday night. This day could be construed as the last day of the week depending on how you like to spend your weeks. Tip for all those students who want to prepare for the weekend:Wine Wednesdays are very popular.
3. “Hump day” – for those students who rather wait until Friday to begin the weekend. When Wednesday comes, there is only two more days until you are free from your school responsibilities and are able to relax and enjoy the great Richmond weather. Tip for those busy-bees: the James River is a great place to unwind after a long week.