11 Times Wednesday Addams Perfectly Captured College Students | The Odyssey Online
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11 Times Wednesday Addams Perfectly Captured College Students

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11 Times Wednesday Addams Perfectly Captured College Students

By now, everyone has heard about the iconic gothic group called the Addams Family.

In particular, one of the Addams is known for her braided hair, her deadly charisma, and possibly her 11 toes. Although the character has grown up since the 1960's, college students may find that they relate quite a bit with Miss Wednesday Addams.

1. When It's Picture Time At Orientation.

We've all been there. As freshmen, we were all rushed down a line and placed in front of a camera for a card that would be vital to our days as college kids. The results weren't perfect, but it wasn't supposed to be.

2. When You're Learning About America's Gruesome History.

There comes a time in everyone's life where they are sitting in a classroom and have a sudden epiphany. College reveals a side of America that secondary school can't. It was gruesome and rough, as Wednesday knew full well.

3. When You're Sick Of The Teacher's Pet.

Even though these students make the time go by faster, you can't help but feel slightly annoyed. They mean no harm, but we can't help but whisper under our breath the thoughts we're truly having about them.

4. When You Have An Argument With Your Roommate.

When it comes to college, having roommates comes with the full experience. After a few days of living with them, an argument is inevitable. Wednesday and Pugsley are prime examples of this, even though electric chairs are probably not allowed on campus.

5. When You Try To Cheer Your Roommate Up After A Breakup.

As much as we can get angry with them, we also have deep, meaningful conversations with our roommates. Wednesday had great dating advice for Lurch, but the support we give out might not be as adorable.

6. When You Get Your Work Back From A Tough-Grading Professor.

Not sure if this is for the teacher or for myself, but the chair must warm up for the both of us.

7. When You Come To The Conclusion That There Could Be A School Shooting Any Day Now.

Shootings can happen anywhere, anytime, and, as Wednesday suggests, by anyone. It's a terrifying thought, but Wednesday knew that it's better to face the truth rather than deny it.

8. When You're At A College Party And The Booze Is Winning.

Is it just me or did this kitchen just become a dance floor? People are staring, but you're a few sips in. And, like Wednesday, you don't care.

9. When You Know Your Friends Hooked Up At Said College Party.

Well, what can I say? Gossip gets around.

10. When You Are Surrounded By Idiots.

It happens everywhere. At the dorm, down the hall, and in the classroom. Idiots are everywhere, and we must learn to deal with them with dignity.

11. When You've Had Enough And All You Want Is A Drink.

I have two essays, one presentation, and a group project due next week. I also have a quiz and an exam the following day. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to chug this bottle of poison and forget.

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