When you’re in college, there are plenty of things that you quickly come to realize you don’t have. You have very little free time anymore because classes require all of your attention. If you have a job in addition to your full-time courses, this is especially difficult. That doesn’t even count the time you need to spend studying, eating, taking care of yourself at the gym and socializing every once and a while.
The thread that connects them all? Your bank account. College students struggle with money because the university system is so expensive and only charging more as time goes on. After paying your tuition and ordering your books, you have very little spare change before you need to save up for next semester’s bills.
College is also the time where some of your friends might be getting married, and while you’re happy that they’ve reached such a big milestone in their lives, you might be feeling panicked at the thought of spending wedding money.
Don’t worry! There are tricks you can try to help plan for your friends’ weddings, so read on and see if any might work for you.
1. See how much your friends are saving
Chances are, a few of your other friends will be at the wedding with you. Talk with them — see what they’re planning on saving so you can get a good number to estimate. The number is going to change depending on how involved you are in the wedding. See what the average wedding guest spends and then base your expenses off of that. You’ll feel better knowing that you’re not alone in how much you’re able to spend.
2. Learn what to say no to
There are some things you know you’ll have to spend money on, such as a good wedding gift, but you don’t have to do much beyond that if you’re not in the wedding party. There might be a bar at the reception, but you don’t necessarily have to buy drinks or extra food if you don’t want to. Don’t rent a fancy car to arrive in or overindulge on a wedding outfit. It’s okay to say no to things.
3. Know what to expect
Budgeting for a wedding is even harder when you’ve never been to one, and if that’s the case for you, it’s time to do some research. Look up what the average wedding ceremony is like and what the guests can expect. Talk with your friend to see what they’re planning for their big day. If you know some of the most popular trends, you can guess what’ll be going on and what you might need to save up for.
4. Give it all you’ve got
Maybe you need to save a good amount of money for an upcoming wedding. The first thing you should do is look for a part-time job, and make sure to get one that pays well. Some part-time job managers won’t pay their employees very much because they don’t put in full-time hours, so do your research before committing to anything. You might only need to work the job until the wedding happens, so give it all you’ve got while you need to put money away.