The first week of January was no less than the calm before a humongous storm. Never would I have thought that a day long journey would turn into a five day grueling trip. Nonetheless, I'd like to share my experience of traveling back post-winter holidays, specifically via JFK airport...
1. The Smile that Jinxed the Trip.
Note to self...never take a happy-going selfie before embarking on a long journey anymore. I don't believe in bad juju or evil eye, but I think this happy smile may have jinxed the trip back home from the start. Trust me, this smile was short-lived for sure.
2. Posing in Dubai after being sleep-deprived.
Have you ever had to sit next to a pervert for a six hour flight? Well, apart from being non-compliant, sleeping with legs wide open (freaking rude!), staring at me every now and then, and watching explicit movies right next to me, this perv definitely made me uncomfortable and sleep-deprived. Nonetheless, when we got stuck in Dubai for 15+ hours, we went on a city tour and I was so sleep deprived that I couldn't even really keep my eyes open for the magnificent views.
3. The Landing that'd become Hell.
The plane hit the runaway, and I was ecstatic. But then, the pilot said we can't get off...
4. No Gates so stuck on the Plane.
I am claustrophobic at times, and we were stuck on the same plane on the runway for four straight hours with periodic servings of water and maybe one snack. Spending 18 hours on the same plane was a numbing experience.
5. New York Times.
We had to stay in New York for a day after waiting five hours in a line at the airport in order to receive customer service. I understand that 100+ flights got delayed/cancelled, but THERE WERE LITERALLY MANY WORKERS JUST STANDING AND REFUSING TO HELP.
6. Just when you thought delays were over.
Forward to January 8, when there's no snow happening and the runways look clean as they can be, we got stuck in another delay for two hours! I left my aunt's house at 4 a.m. to get to a 7 a.m. flight delayed until 9 a.m. Just great.
7. On the Plane Home!
8. Landed, Packed, and Headed Back to EDU.
Extremely jetlagged, less than a day back in the States, and I had to quickly reassemble my luggage and head back to college. Yup, that's it.
Even though it may feel like the world is falling apart and there's no escape, just remember you'll get to your destination no matter how long and grueling the journey is.