Born and raised in New England, I have really been exposed to a lot in my life. However, the one thing that will always get to me is the weather. This is one unusual phenomenon that will never make sense. One day it is freezing cold and I’m literally running from my class back to the warm comfort of my bed. The next day everyone is in shorts basking in the glory of the hot sun with no recall of what took place the day before. The only thing that stays the same is everyone’s Dunkin’s order, but that is no surprise at all. Honestly, it is so weird that I could not see myself living anywhere else in the world, but here because of I have gotten used to this chaotic weather. Fun fact between June 6 and 7 in 1816, there was a massive snowstorm that hit the New England area. Also if you did not do the math this past June marked the 200th anniversary of this weather craze. Also referred to as “The Year Without A Summer.”
New England also has the four season cycle weather change as well. To people who live here we see it as a normal to where heavy coats in the winter and T-shirts in the summer, but for regions around the country and locations around the world it could be completely different. That is a huge reason why traveling outside of the region or even the country opens up to so many different cultural experience, including the weather. I always wanted to travel around different areas and really soak in those experiences to help shape into a better person. Sadly, at the end of the day I do not see myself living anywhere else, but in New England. There are many reasons why I would not relocate outside of New England. However, to the weather is definitely up there in my top five because my cold winters and hot summers are a part of who I am. Home is where the heart is, and I do not want to change that. Not for on moment do I think anywhere else to be in the world, but New England. There is nowhere else in the world I want be, but right here. Even when it came to applying for schools, I knew that wanted to be away from home, but I could never see myself outside of New England.
Overall, this is me just giving a little background to the place I have lived my life in, but at the end of the day, this is for everyone no matter where you live in the world. Weather is incredibly strange there is no doubt about that, but the weather around the world is even weirder. I feel like everyone will have the once encounter in their lives where something just weird will happen, just because that is what weather is weird. There is nothing wrong with that that is just how life is.