Now, for some of you, this article won’t apply. You’re one of the lucky ones who live in climates with close to year-long summers and minimal difficulties in wardrobe selection. Yes, you guys have it easy this time of year. Maybe it will rain and you’ll need rain boots and an umbrella. But, this article is for those of us who will trek through the tundra and back to attend class while wearing three or four layers to avoid freezing. And, let’s be honest, some of us aren’t the wisest when packing for back to college, even though the weather is the same every year, and we are all well aware of the geologic location of our colleges. So, in the list below we break down the top three definite things to pack this winter, and the three that should be left in your closet back home. Seriously, check this out before you end up like one of those pictures of people mid-fall on Twitter.
What you should wear:
1. An actual coat
It might make you look puffy and awkward, but it will pay off in the
long run. You can always take it off at class, but you can’t put it on
when 25MPH snow is hitting your thin little NorthFace. It’s worth the
investment and it’s worth your time. Plus, there are so many choices
nowadays; being warm and fashionable is definitely possible.
2. Real boots
Traction and insulation. Without those things your feet will be cold and
miserable, as will you be all winter. Like the coat, a good
pair of boots are an investment that you can use over the entire winter,
and with the ice on the ground, you’ll be more likely to stay on your
feet. Which, seeing as how more and more people are breaking legs and tailbones
on the ice, might be in your favor.
3. Any gloves
You will definitely be happy when your fingers aren’t numb all winter. They even make nice ones now that you can still use your phone with. They’ll fit nicely in the pocket of your purse, backpack or the coat you should be wearing now.
And, now for what not to wear:
1. Just a sweatshirt
It may have been a good idea in the middle of fall, and it probably will be in the spring, but this is a different element. You’re going to freeze. They aren’t thick enough for winter and all you’ll have to show for it is a wet sweatshirt and more missed days of class from being sick.
2. PJs
It’s the same problem as the sweatshirts. You roll our of bed, with your oversized pants blowing in the wind and getting right through to your skin. Do yourself a favor and wear them under your jeans. Its all the laziness of comfort while not risking pneumonia.
3. Uggs
Just don’t. You’re going to ruin them and your feet. Spend that money on real things to keep you warm and dry.