Online nowadays, you see so many judgmental comments and articles written about women: what we should and should not wear, how we should act and just everything you can think of that deals with being a woman. I am not trying to whine about people's opinions, but sometimes they can be hurtful and just plain ridiculous.
On this site, I have seen controversial articles calling out girls that wear "too cheeky" bathing suit bottoms or wearing active clothes to college classes when we should be "professional women" now that we are adults. Frankly, I believe that you should wear what makes you comfortable. If you like wearing cheeky bathing suits to show off the parts of your body that you like, go for it. If you want to wear legging and a sweatshirt to your 8 AMs or even dress up every day, do it. Women should not be putting each other down at all, especially if its what we are wearing. Everyone has different tastes, so respect it.
Another big "debatable" topic is makeup. I have seen so many tweets about "taking a girl swimming on the first date" or "this is false advertisement". Those comments are so stupid. If anyone, including boys, want to wear makeup, that is no one else's business except theirs. I have seen girls with full faces show up to class but I have also seen girl with bags under their eyes and pajama pants. Anyone can fall in between these two girls but, no one should care. I personally do not wear a lot of makeup, but I am certainly not going to bash other girls for their choices to wear it.
I honestly have no idea why people are so judgmental over something you have no control with. At the end of the day, no one should care what that girl was wearing when I passed her walking to class.