Everyday I wear some sort of makeup whether its a full face or just something simple, and everyday I get the question, "Are you wearing makeup so boys will notice you?." Ugh for the millionth time NO! I am not wearing makeup to get random guys attention. I'm wearing makeup because I want to for me.
I started getting into makeup right before I turned 19 and to be honest, I just like wearing it. I like trying new products and trying new ways to wear and use the makeup I have. I love watching makeup videos and I love trying them on myself. It's just become part of my morning routine, whether I wake up at 3 a.m. for work or 6 a.m. for class, it's just something that I do now. I just love wearing makeup.
But I don't love how people assume how it's all for guys. I wear makeup for a ton of different reasons, none of which are for guys.
To start, I wear makeup because it's fun. Makeup is pretty much just artwork on your face. What's the difference between painting a sunset that you're looking at and using that same sunset as inspiration for my eyeshadow? I wear makeup because it's creative and a cool way to express myself and how I'm feeling that day. I wear makeup because it brings together my outfit and my appearance. I wear makeup because as a college student who also works way more than full-time, I have bags on bags on bags under my eyes and I don't wanna look like Michael Jackson in Thriller.
I wear makeup because I can and because I want to, I don't wear makeup for anyone else. I don't wear makeup for guys attention, because let's be real, if a guy only likes you when you have makeup on then he isn't worth it. I don't even know where the whole idea of wearing makeup for guys attention even started but it has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard in my entire life.
I wear makeup every day because let's be real, if I'm spending all that money at Sephora, Ulta, and makeup company's websites, it will get used and people will see me with my Jeffree Star highlighter and my Kylie Jenner lip kit.
Makeup can bring out some of your best natural features if you're wearing it the right way. I have poop brown eye color but you can bet that I'm going to find a way that my makeup will make them look less boring and less plain.
So NO I don't wear makeup for guys attention, I wear it for me and me only. Thank you, and stop asking me and every other girl if our makeup is for boys.