We The People
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Politics and Activism

We The People

A Response to the Recent Political Events

We The People

Though I feel that everyone is so tired of talking about the election, and the last thing people want to see is another article that is used to share in one’s personal Freedom of Speech, I legitimately feel compelled to address these things for a few reasons. One, because Trump is right, in that we have to “come together as one.” The road back to unity has to continue in discussion. We can’t just write one another off. I would hate to lose friends or even be deleted because I’m writing this, but if that is what someone chooses, that is their right. I’m not going to stop them. And two, because Clinton is right, in suggesting that we have to keep an open mind in going forward, we can’t just shut down. We have to work together to make that happen.

I did not go into this election all about Trump. I have been skeptical from the beginning. And I would be lying if I said that I don’t share in a portion of the concerns that I have seen. However, I spent a great amount of time in prayer throughout this entire process and asked God for wisdom in a seemingly impossible situation. I considered writing in a candidate, and for a long time, that was my plan. I could say that I’m not sure what changed over time, but I’m certain that after feeling the conviction my heart was being stirred to, I could no longer be silent. When I went to cast my vote on Tuesday, again I prayed that I would walk away feeling good about my vote. I voted and was surprised to feel that such a vote actually felt more like stepping out in faith, rather than taking control for myself, and voting out of fear, which is what I did not want. I was relieved to feel this way. I was further relieved to see my country fighting so hard for the America that we all know was once a place where the American dream was possible for any man, and was once the best country in the world.

I have a few friends that are living a homosexual lifestyle. At the beginning of this election process, I made a point to tell them that no matter what happens, I do not want to become more divided with them. I want them to know that I will care for them just the same no matter what the outcome of this election.

When the vote for marriage equality took place and won, I was in Chicago. I remember seeing it on the TV in my hotel room and being shocked because, for whatever reason, I thought we had more time before such a significant change was going to take place. I was sad for the country because (to me) it showed a deeper level of depravity in that people are pushing away from God’s created order. Let’s face it; we have pushed away from God’s design from the beginning. But that day, it was tangible. It was actually happening right before my eyes and I mourned for what it meant for the future of this nation. That said, what’s done is done, and I hope that my friends that live a homosexual lifestyle will not feel threatened or diminished. I hope and pray that they feel protected and loved as they are a part of this country all the same.

I also have several friends that are immigrants, or internationals. We have had conversations about the elections and more so than not, productive conversations that have led to the understanding that Trump becoming president does not mean that they are not safe. It simply means that they are now going to be more protected from other foreigners that want to cause harm, rather than enjoy the freedoms that they are experiencing because of this free country. It is my hope for them as well, that they feel welcomed in this country, and do not feel threatened by fear or hate.

I received texts from friends on Wednesday expressing fear and worry and this genuinely saddens me. I firmly believe that Trump will remove Illegal immigrants and that people that come to this country legally are safe and welcome. I pray that, instead of fear and worry, they feel true encouragement and confidence that the constitution protects them as long as they abide by the law. I pray that they know they have a safe place to turn to in me. I pray that despite the differences that our countries may have, we build genuine bridges to declare unity and friendship that shatters any and all walls of division.

I have a lot of Christian friends who expressed negativity and concern after the results came out, to which I have some confusion. This election had me seriously concerned for my religious freedom, and further, the Church’s religious freedom. And yet, I see nothing but disappointment and grief by many of my fellow Christians. I’m sorry, but I do not understand this. I want to see this country continue to be a place where an immigrant can come and make a life for themselves. I want to see this country continue to protect the rights of all Americans. I want to see progress in understanding what our faith means for our being Americans, BUT I want submission to being a Christian before being an American as well.

Wednesday, I saw a lot of pride that quickly claimed precedence in a self-proclaimed higher ground. I want to empathize, I do. But proudly running to the other side and flagrantly making a spectacle of the issues that you have chosen to elevate over other significant issues, hinders any chance of unity, not only in the Church but in this country. And it further hinders a basic understanding of freedom for the preaching of the Gospel that is beyond my comprehension. Yes, as Christians, we should be prepared for persecution, but the whole point in the start of this country, was freedom of religion.

The Johnson Amendment being overturned is a HUGE (pardon my subtle comedic relief) win for the Church. I have had anxiety about this all throughout this election. That a Democratic win in this election would result in further persecution for believers and would wrongly control what the Church is free to preach, it’s unfathomable to think of such as a win. Such an amendment absolutely hinders the Gospel, which deliberately turns away from what this country was built on.

But to all of my Christian friends who proudly stand on the Left, I may not understand, and I certainly do not want to disrespect, however, I implore you to consider, that in order to reach the “Muslims, African Americans, Immigrants, Women, LGBTQ Communities, and all others” with the Gospel, is it not in your interest to secure the freedom you have to practice such belief in the Gospel in order to freely share it with them?

The media clearly wanted Hillary to win. There is no doubt about it. They did everything they could to pull the worst out of Trump. However, the Left made a significant, monetary, and hush-hush effort to impact what the media covered. If you don’t believe it, watch this video-“Clinton campaign and DNC incite violence at Trump rallies” and see for yourself the effort that was put forth in an attempt to assure Clinton the Presidency.

Personally, it made me feel the way a number of you expressed feeling Wednesday. Sick to my stomach and overcome with grief. Based on the research that I did on Trump, I felt that the media was out to make him appear as one thing, when the man himself was always committed to a better America despite the hate that was thrown his way. And yes, I mean hate.

Another example can be found in this video that is exposing the extent of editing done to encourage a biased opinion through the organization NowThis.

I think my biggest struggle with the liberal mindset post-election is that it is literally the end of the world. A few years ago when Obama became the president, I felt the same way. Interestingly enough, my school was chosen to sing at Obama's inauguration (four years ago) and I felt very uncomfortable being there that day. I was one of the 200 students chosen to be a part of the choir. I was excited to be a part of history. I was blessed to have the opportunity, but I was very disturbed by the direction of our country and you know what I did anyway? I kept quiet and committed myself to praying for the man in office, no matter what. You have no idea how many times (on Wednesday) I resisted saying, “It will be okay” to a Democrat, just for spite. Four years ago, a Democrat said that to me and it did nothing to encourage me. It only secured my feeling that we were in deep, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. I don’t really know a better response, maybe they didn’t either. The truth is that it’s not going to be okay because Trump is going to be the best president we’ve ever had. It is not going to be okay because someone won and someone lost. It is going to be okay because of who is on the throne. At the end of the day, God is the writer of this story. Case closed.

I’m certain that there is more to it and that I am omitting something that someone on the other side is frustrated by. Some of you are thinking, “What about his lack of military experience?” “What about his temper?” “What about the awful things he has said?” I don’t have the answers to those questions. I do believe in grace (for Trump). I do believe that Jesus on the throne is the only true comfort for all of us. I do believe that Trump legitimately wants to do right by the American people-ALL American people. I also believe that what the Bible says was true four years ago, and it is still true today: The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord. Proverbs 16:33

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