As the New Year approaches, many are looking back on 2016 with an unfavorable lense. After a year of what seems like one disaster after another, people are sick of 2016 and are ready to move on. I agree with their sentiments and am ready to start over this upcoming year, but I refuse to see 2016 only from a negative viewpoint. Don’t get me wrong, this year has been tough both on a global level, and a personal level. But I won’t let all the bad cloud the good that did come from this year.
For me, 2016 was a year of memories. For once, instead of sitting on the sidelines and watching my life rush by, I jumped head first into new experiences. I stopped letting the fears in my life control me, and made an effort to be my best self- academically, socially, and intrinsically. Of course, not all of these experiences were successes, and I brought on just as much pain as I did joy. But I refuse to regret any of my actions this year, because for once they are actions and not just passive moments filling up time.
Academically, for the first time in 2016, I put myself out there and followed my interests. After struggling to find a true academic passion for most of my life- I put myself out there, taking a variety of classes, and trusted my gut when I found ones that interested me. I even took a chance and participated in a study abroad program that opened my eyes in a way that very few things had ever done. By opening myself up I have been able to find two majors that I love. Now, I am still soul searching and figuring out the right career path for myself, I have made great strides this year that cannot be overlooked.
Socially, I decided to put the Netflix down (at least a little bit), and spend more time with the friends that I now consider my people. After constantly being insecure and uncomfortable in social situations, I found true friends, who will listen to all my problems and ramblings, laugh hysterically with me over the stupidest things, and be by my side when I need it most. Also, being apart from friends over the summer and even through semesters abroad proved to me that my people and I are stronger than any distance.
Intrinsically changing myself has been the hardest thing to do this year. I am as far from perfect as you could possibility be, as this year I have experienced some of my lowest lows. But it also taught me that I am a fighter. No matter how bad the moment, the day, the week or the year is- I’ve realized that there can always be the hope- a glimmer of good. I’ve survived my worst, and because of that I know what I’m capable of and am not afraid of the world around me.
As a country and a community we have survived what for many has been our worst- 2016. But, just like I have personally, we all have become fighters. And as we enter 2017, we will enter in swinging.