I read the letter posted above earlier this week and I've been thinking about it ever since. I've thought about the horrible choice of font, the many grammatical mistakes throughout I've thought about the fact that someone decided to write this at all. Most of all I've wondered, why?
I do not blame Donald Trump for this letter. He did not write it and despite the fact that the writer chose to use their own version of his famous "Make America Great Again" tagline does not mean that this is how our president feels. But as the 2016 presidential campaign wore on, the issue of "political correctness" continued to persist, especially as Trump made it a major facet of his crusade. Letters and opinions like this were exactly what his opponents and haters worried about and warned against.
I don't believe the world would function if everyone kept their opinions to themselves all the time. Even when people tell me things that I don't necessarily agree with, it still gives me a chance to learn about the world. Or at the very least it gives me a chance to hone in on my arguing skills. And to be honest I do very much recognize that if we are all censored, no opinions will ever be shared and the world will never grow or change.
With that being said, spreading opinions like this does not fall under the umbrella of "political incorrectness" and it is not anything that needs to be shared with the world. Let alone with anonymity and distasteful font. This is completely unnecessary and shows nothing but how horrible humans can really be.
I am white and I have privilege. There's no getting around that. As a white person, I am going to have opportunities and experiences that people of color that will never have and statistically, my life is much safer than someone with skin that isn't the same color as mine. It's pretty unlikely that someone would ever write a letter like this about me. It's possible sure, but very unlikely. And I'm incredibly lucky for that.
Disliking someone specifically for the color of their skin, which is all this is as there is literally zero mentions of this poor woman's job performance, is just wrong. Plain and simple. And to use politics to justify things like this just shows how bad racial relations are in America. Do not politicize race. And before you judge anyone, you have to understand that no one is who you think they are when you look at them and everyone is already going through things that not everyone understands. No one deserves this and no one deserves to feel like they are less than human for something that has never affected a person's character.