"I just can't seem to win."
"That's okay-"
"Oh, hey God."
"It's okay if you don't-"
"Why does it feel like I am constantly getting beat?"
"Well, you see, if you would just-"
"Its like, every time I try to do something, nothing goes right. Why aren't you helping me out?"
"I am helping you, don't you-"
"Why did you abandon me? I needed you out there and it was like you were gone, like you had something better to do."
"Listen to me."
"I am."
"Are you sure you won't cut me off this time?"
"Yes, God, I won't cut you off."
"What I was saying was, that it is okay if you don't win every time. I have already overcome the world you live in. You, my Child, need not to worry."
"But why do I always lose?"
"It won't be this way forever. It is all part of my plan for your life."
"Oh, sweet. Thanks, God."
"No problem."
"We sing hallelujah, the Lamb has overcome."
Forever - Kari Jobe
Do you ever just sit back and think about how Jesus literally rose from the dead? Like, He was completely and 100% dead, but now He's alive?
He. Beat. Death.
So, as it says in "Forever" by: Kari Jobe, "We sing hallelujah, the Lamb has overcome."
Jesus overcame death so that we could live with Him for eternity in Heaven. Because God sent His only son to Earth to die the most brutal death, we can live forever.
Isn't that amazing? We have a God that loves us so much, that He gave up His child for us. Imagine giving up your own child so that other's could live, crazy huh? It just amazes me how much God really loves and cares for us.
Since Jesus overcame death and the world, we do not need to worry. Our fate is sealed. If you are a child of God, you will be going to Heaven. So, life might seem like an intense roller coaster with no end in sight, but it is all in God's plan for us. He knows exactly how and where your life is going and is with you every step of the way.
I think that is pretty cool, God already knows every single thing that has or will happen in your life. He planned it out before you were even thought of. He wanted you so badly to be in His Kingdom with Him forever, that He sent His son to die on the cross 2000+ years ago so that now we could spend eternity with Him.
The grave could not hold Him. The sin of the world that was put upon His shoulders could not hinder Him. There is nothing on this Earth or anywhere surrounding that could keep Jesus from His rightful place. Jesus came to Earth to die and rise again so that we may live forever in the Kingdom of God, His Father, forever and ever.
We sing Hallelujah.
"O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"
1 Corinthians 15:55
The Lamb has overcome.