There are so many things wrong with this world, and yet so many people standing by them. We as a generation and society should not stand for this stuff. We need to do our research before we believe everything that we read on Facebook. We need to stand up for love and not stand against each other because we might view the world differently.
One problem throughout the world is violence. There is so much hatred radiating throughout the earth. What happened to loving one another? There is a much bigger problem than racism, prejudice, and terrorism. The bigger problem is the true root issue: hatred. We as a society and a generation should not stand for this. LOVE bears all things. When our society embraces true love for each other, hatred will not be present. Stand for what is righteous and true, not for what is destructive.
Another problem is how easily we fall into the trap of politicians lies and tricks. No matter democrat or republican, I do not see how anyone can trust Hillary Clinton. “I never sent those emails” sounds familiar to Bill’s announcement of “I never had sex with that woman”. Both statements are lies, but one of actions was a federal crime. If we cannot trust Hillary to keep documents safe, how could we trust her to keep our country safe? We as a generation and a society should not stand for being lied to, stepped on, and put down.
Although the only thing worse than voting for someone you only kind of support is not voting at all. Do not be so prideful, unpatriotic, or so screwed to the left or right that because a candidate has one view different than you, you choose not to vote at all. When you do not vote for a candidate you only half-way support, then you are giving a vote to the candidate you do not support at all. Why give up on the right so many people suffered to give us? When you’re an immigrant, you work to get a citizenship to vote. African-American men and women were hosed down in the streets because they fought so hard to vote and other God-given rights. Women were silenced by their husbands and society before they found their voice. We are all Americans. No matter black, white, red, blue, old, young, skinny, or fat: WE WON OUR RIGHT TO VOTE AND WE NEED TO THANK THE PEOPLE BEFORE US BY USING OUR VOICE.
Women: What would Elizabeth Cady Stanton say if you told her you did not “feel” like voting this year?
African-American’s: What would Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. say if you told him you were not voting this year?
Both people fought hard to win your right to vote and suffered for one of the greatest rights we take advantage of. As my grandpa always tells me: vote early, vote often.
Another issue that has been the banner of the news the past few years is police brutality. Sometimes the stories get stretched the more they are told, sometimes police officers need to be fired and thrown into jail, but in all situations we as a generation and society should respect the badge all officers have worked hard to carry. Are guns the answer to fighting against crime? No, not always. A gun should NOT be the first weapon of choice. I do not believe any of the lives the past month should have been taken, including the five police officers in Dallas, TX. Police brutality is an issue, but so is disrespect of police officers. I believe we as a generation and a society should stand hand-in-hand in unity and love. Martin Luther King had a dream about white people and black people being hand-in-hand, not fighting against each other about which lives matter. All men are created equal, and all men are loved and adored by God.
We as a generation and a society should stand for love.
We should stand for truth.
We should stand for our beliefs.
We should stand for our law enforcement.
We should stand for equality.