Most of us would love to say that Georgia Southern, our home, is the best college in either the US or world. When I think of how much I love the life I’ve built for myself here, I can’t help but fantasize the same. However, we have a lot of things we as a student body, need to improve on.
We are all Eagles.
While it is a constant battle at any college campus, as Eagles we are born to rise above our differences. We have chosen to be the leaders and innovators of our generation. While, yes, there are some who are at this school who won’t succeed in accomplishing that: it is all of our jobs to make sure every Eagle soars to the highest potential possible. You don’t have to be transgender to accept your trans Eagle next to you. You don’t have to be Muslim to accept the Muslim eagle next to you. You don’t have to agree with every single aspect of every part of their life…to accept them as another member of your student body. As a unified whole, we are a force to be reckoned with on every social and academic platform. We need to wake up: none of us are going to ever fully agree. So let’s stop letting that hinder us right now.
Our local social media rapport is lacking pride.
I’m just going to say it: the smartphone app Yik-Yak makes us look horrible. While, naturally, anywhere on an Internet-based platform we are going to have the people who try to put our school down, we need to face it: we have enough of that from outsiders. Why are we bashing fellow Eagles on social media? Why are putting people’s numbers on social media, hiding behind an anonymous username? We all know the statistics on university suicide: do we really want to be known as the school where you can be harassed by a plethora of members of the student body on an anonymous app?
Now, let me make myself clear: I don’t hate Yik-Yak. I hate that we find it socially acceptable for people to be able to hide behind a screen and anonymously type hate speech about the Eagles we lost last spring on I-16. Or talk about the Eagles who are still with us today. Eagles, I urge you: please use social media as a way to unite and uplift each other.
Please take care of our campus.
While we don’t see too much written about this, I notice it every day I’m on campus. Students throwing trash in the bushes or littering in the lakes. We get one campus. When we destroy this one: we don’t get another place to go to. Also, we are not the ones who are even in charge of cleaning it up. The Georgia Southern landscaping and environmental workers dedicate this university’s look to us and we owe it to them to show some self-respect to it. We have a beautiful campus and I want to see it preserved for the generations who are going to walk through it after me.
I’ll just say it: our image needs work.
I won’t bother lying: The ‘Boro has its perks being notably known as “the party school.” Everyone loves the bars (when they’re not being raided/shut down) and our infamous Fast & Easy’s. None of these seem like bad things.
But, please: correct people when they say, “Georgia Southern is the best party school.” Correct them and say, “Actually, Georgia Southern is the best school.” Talk about: our great business, teaching and nursing programs. Or our award-winning art galleries. Our outstanding football team. Our beautiful campus. Our excellent counseling services. Our kickass stadium. We have a lot more than alcohol-fueled memories that contribute to what makes this college great. Let’s not limit ourselves just to being a party school.
Now, think of how “whole” you feel on Game Days. Think of how much the student body comes together. In tailgates, you see groups mixing all the time. The social acceptance of everyone wanting the Eagles to win.
That feeling. That unity. That is what I would like to see the student body of Georgia Southern exhibit towards each other on a daily basis, in and outside the classroom.
As always, Hail Southern and no place else!