The following is in regards to the sexist and disrespectful statements that Donald Trump had made about grabbing women inappropriately. Take it or leave it, that's up to you, but I felt that this needed to be said.
In 2006, my step-father would make sexual innuendos and remarks to me on an almost daily basis. I didn't put much detailed thought into the things he would say to me until after he molested me. In 2011, my boyfriend would make comments about how a girlfriend is a man's "property" and he could do as he pleases with her. I passed it off as twisted jokes and didn't take it seriously until he raped me. In 2013, a "friend" I had known since 8th grade began making small comments about how "hot" and "sexy" I was, and that he "wanted to fuck" me. Thinking it was just a normal thing for guys to say, I didn't think much of it. I was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a jacket — completely covered up — the night he raped me.
Now, in Trump's case, it seems that many people are calling it off as "locker room talk," because "everybody does it." Which, let's be completely honest here, if you associate yourself with people that make remarks about doing sexual acts to anyone without his or her consent, you seriously need to reevaluate the people you're hanging around. In my case, however, I've been told that I should've known that these things were going to happen to me because the "men" in question had hinted at it to me before. This is what terrifies me — truly terrifies me — about the possibility of Trump being elected into office. So many people are defending the things he said because it was a few years ago (so were the things that happened to me, but it doesn't make it any less relevant), or because "men will be men." This "men will be men" attitude about anything inappropriate is why rape culture is still such an issue in this country. No one, men or women, should feel guilty about being uncomfortable or unknowing when it comes to comments made to them. If "everyone" really is doing it, that should be seen as a problem, not a defense for Trump. It's quite comical how the majority of people that support him because he "speaks his mind" are the same ones calling me an idiot and the problem with America for speaking mine.
Don't get me wrong, everyone has a right to believe in whatever it is they believe in, but you can support a person without supporting their behavior, and the majority of Trump supporters seem to be trying to justify the comments he made. A lot of people have come after me stating that I better be perfect, or that they highly doubt I have never made an inappropriate comment. Kudos to you, because no, nobody is perfect. The only thing that people seem to be missing is that we're not angry with the fact that he talked about a woman sexually — that's human nature and I'll be the first to admit that we all do it. What angers me (and it seems to be the majority of people that are angry about this as well) is the fact that he stated he could sexually grab women without their permission solely because he is rich. That's not okay. That's never okay. Yes, there have been times that I have said some sexually suggestive things, but it disgusts me to know that a presidential candidate, along with millions of his supporters, see nothing wrong with the suggestion that it's okay to touch someone without their permission.
I'm not telling anyone what to believe by any means, but if your only reasoning for defending or supporting Trump is simply because he's the Republican candidate, or because he's not Hillary (believe me, I don't care for her either), or because it's what the media or your family and friends have told you to believe in, I would highly suggest reevaluating your moral values. That being said, this wasn't posted to create a debate or to piss people off, but I really don't feel comfortable with the thought of someone who makes fun of and puts down women, other races, veterans, the disabled, etc. representing my country. Trump doesn't care about America, he cares about control.