As a Jewish American woman, it is easy to see why people see me as another white girl. However, I'm not, as my people have been oppressed throughout history. Jews have been the scapegoats for all of history and as we live in a world where so much much is going on, now is the time to stand as one.
Yes, we are all different, and yes, we have different views and values. However, don't we all have the common goal to have a nice, fulfilling life? I know we have different ways of achieving that goal, but we have that in common. Some issues we can never understand but if we keep dwelling on that one thing that bothers us, then what's the point of living?
Life is too short to hate, to hold a grudge, to let opposing sides ruin relationships. We have been wronged by so many people. After all, I have felt fear as a Jew when antisemites say "All Jews must die." I was terrified after the Parkland shooting but after talking to people I love, I realized that I can't be afraid. If we are afraid, how can we contribute to the world in a good way?
We have the stop the mentality of supremacy.
Yes, supremacy creates competition, which isn't a bad thing, but when it goes too far, it becomes a problem. Saying that you agree with someone who hated and killed others is not right. Yes, we all have flaws, we aren't perfect and we will never be perfect. However, we shouldn't fuel our anger to a group that is misunderstood. Rather, we must question and they must answer.
Don't be afraid to question anything as that is how great people, famous or not, are made. Don't be afraid to answer as one answer can change the course of the world. I know that sounds crazy, but answers, whether by humans or by nature or by a higher force, have saved lives.
I know this part is going to sound extremely cliche, but I challenge all of you. I challenge you to question everything and do a random act of kindness to someone you would never speak to. Be the 20% that actually acts instead of the majority that says they will act but never do. Guess what, all of the great ideas have been crazy.