It is ignorant and simple-minded to judge a whole group of people based on the actions of a few. Almost anyone can agree that it is unfair to judge a whole race or religion as “bad.” Why is it OK for so many Americans to judge all police officers in the country as negative public figures, because of devastating events that only a few officers were apart of?
As the daughter of a retired police officer, I can honestly say that my father was a hero in many situations throughout his career. He missed many Christmas’, Thanksgivings, birthdays and school recitals so he could protect the girl who has been getting raped by her stepfather or pick up the limbs of a man in a brutal car accident. Everyday the police force puts their life on the line to protect you and the community you live in, yet, the respect they receive is diminishing.
The Americans that continue to say negative comments about ALL police officers need to take a step back and realize who is protecting them on a daily basis.
As a child, I was taught by my parents and teachers the first number I should dial if I need help is 911. Nowadays, young children are scared to call the cops if they need help because of the negative image many give officers.
Blue lives matter, black lives matter, white lives matter, Hispanic lives matter, Jewish lives matter, Catholic lives matter, Muslim Lives Matter, everyone’s life matters. We must not judge the whole police force over decisions of a few officers. There will be a time when you need them, that time will come, and you will want them there because the world isn’t always a friendly place.