"We met online." This phrase gets many judgmental stares from people who hear this come from a couple they know. Why is that? Online dating is the norm in the time that we live in. With technology and social media having such a high importance in our society, why would people not seek companionship in the same place they seek to shop for clothes and find videos of singing cats? The internet gives people entertainment and it even gives some people a sense of happiness.
Why would you judge a couple who is happy together? I know when everyone thinks of online dating they think of serial killers off of the ID Channel, as well as the people they have seen on MTV's Catfish. However, with these few failures that society brings to life, have you not heard of the great successes people have had from meeting online? People meet on Facebook, Twitter, Tinder, E-Harmony, and so many other online outlets and forums and have created a lasting and happy relationship. Why is there not much television coverage of that? Most likely because it is not as interesting as the horror stories you see everyday.
Everyone knows someone on Tinder, or Match.com, or any dating app or site. This person you know may even be you. So let me ask you, why is this still something that worries people and makes them feel uncomfortable? Online dating is just as outrageous and dangerous as meeting someone at a bar or the grocery store. You don not know this person, you do not know their intentions. Yet, you still choose to give this person your phone number and set up a date with them. Is this not the same thing you do in online dating, except of course the online element?
Instead of telling people that they are crazy for meeting someone who makes them happy online, tell them that you're happy they found companionship in an unconventional way. Teach people who are online dating, or even old fashion dating, they must be careful and safe in the way that they do it. Times are changing, people need to realize this to be the truth and understand they just because you would not do something doesn't mean that your friend should not.
Everyone is online dating these days. I met my current boyfriend of two years on Twitter. Go out and seek companionship and find love in the way that you choose to. If people still want to judge you and speak negatively towards your decisions, tell them that you are happy and suggest they do it to. My biggest wish is that everyone in this world will stop judging people for everything they do. Let people be happy, and be happy for them.